15 June 2023

Feel the energy of the HTT Summit 2023. Watch the video shortcut

We present the movie from HTT Summit 2023 - a unique gathering of teachers from around the world who came to Columbus, Ohio to discuss IDS (Interdisciplinary School Subject).

Author: Maria Mazurek,


“We should never stop doing what we’re doing simply by saying we have too little power” – says Professor Pasi Sahlberg, pedagogue, co-creator of Finland’s famous educational reform, and a special guest of HTT Summit 2023.

We invite you to watch the video filmed during this extraordinary meeting organized by the Holistic Think Tank on 4-5th March 2023 at the Ohio State University in Columbus (US). HTT Summit 2023 was an opportunity for teachers worldwide to meet and discuss the idea of the Interdisciplinary School Subject (a flag idea promoted by HTT).

Feel the energy of HTT Summit 2023. It flowed from the hearts of committed, open-minded teachers from different parts of the world who came to Columbus attracted by HTT’s mission.