Joanna Górecka, Ph.D.
Teacher, a doctor of humanities, passionate about engaging education, conducts courses on innovative education, teaches Polish at the "No Bell" school.
Edyta Kłeczek
Trained as a historian, she has been teaching English for 20 years. An ambassador of the English Teaching program and a school coordinator of the Erasmus Plus program.
Piotr Walda
History teacher and workaholic educator. He has been working at the school for 33 years, considering it a dream job.
Nick Covington
Former social studies teacher. Currently a creative director of Human Restoration Projects, HTT's partner organization in the U.S. In love with holistic, humanizing education.
Chris McNutt
Executive Director of Human Restoration Project. Former digital design and media & social studies teacher at a public school in Ohio, US. Obsessed with progressive education.
Ryan Bramley, Ph.D.
Works in HTT's partner organization from the UK: School of Education at the University of Sheffield. A lecturer. Trains students in creative, non-traditional modes of qualitative inquiry.
Jo Johnson
Project Specialist at The Innovative Learning Center for Adult Education in West Michigan (US). Formally a high school industrial technology and mathematics teacher. Certified yoga, mindfulness and Emotion Code Practitioner. Passionate about scholar social-emotional growth and life-long learning.