Donate us

The future starts with education. If we want our children to live in a responsible, sensitive, active, and fulfilled society – we should fight for better schools.

Let’s do this together. Holistic Think Tank – operating under the Fiducia Foundation – is an organization with a mission to restore humanistic values ​​to schools. We believe that people – with their needs, dreams, and potential – should be at the very center of education. We run the IDS educational program that restores these values. We train, network, inspire, and provide teaching tools.

If you are a polish tax resident, willing to be a part of this change – please donate 1.5% of your tax to the Fiducia Foundation. Just enter the KRS number of the “Fiducia” Foundation in your tax “PIT” (KRS: 0000817648)

„FIDUCIA” FOUNDATION, 43-300 Bielsko-Biała, Dworkowa 2
NIP: 679 319 32 89 | REGON: 385 030 729 | KRS: 00 0081 7648